San Joaquin Valley Rangers
Trail Ride Program
PURPOSE: To promote trail riding as a healthy activity for both horses and riders.
This program will also assist in creating a database of parks, locations, and activities
for others to reference on the San Joaquin Valley Rangers website.
PROGRAM: For the Trail Ride Program the rider can ride any horse and count it towards their
total hours for the year. This allows people who borrow horses to participate as well as people
who own more than one horse to use all of their horses in the program. Time will be collected
on official forms (see attached) on the honor system. The form will also track the date of the
trail ride, location or park name, and location of the ride. The forms need to be sent to the
Trail Program Chairperson quarterly. The creation of a copy of the tracking form for the
participant’s records is strongly recommended. The participants and number of hours
will be published in the San Joaquin Valley Rangers newsletter quarterly.
This program is cumulative. The participant in the Trail Ride Program can accumulate
hours for annual awards at different levels of recognition as long as they do not have a
break in both the San Joaquin Valley Rangers membership and the Trail Ride Program.
If there is a break in either the membership or the program, the individual will start
accumulating hours at zero. The program will run for each calendar year (January – December)
for annual awards. Participants must move to the next level each year to receive awards.
Hours can be accumulated continuously year after year. Previously it stopped at 1,000 hours
and then started over we are going to increase the hours to encourage people to join the
program and reach for a higher amount of hours. You can not start counting hours until
you have signed up for the program and your membership is paid.
QUALIFIERS: Trail ride time can be accumulated through trail riding in parks, home locations
such as levees, neighborhoods, and surrounding properties plus endurance or
competitive rides, parades, trail trials, poker rides, etc…
NON-QUALIFIERS: Arena riding, horse shows, arena driving events, and time to
prepare to ride do not qualify for the program hours.
1-50 hours - Baseball Cap
51 – 150 hours - Grooming set
151 – 300 hours - Camping Chair
301 – 500 hours - Saddle Bags
551 - 750 hours - Saddle Pad
751 - 999 hours - Bridle Breast Collar set
1,000 - 1,500 hours - Buckle
1,500 – 2,000 hours – Jacket
All Prizes are subject to change based on the availability of products. All prizes will be
customized with SJVR Trail Ride Program Logo. We are continuing to expand the program
and as time goes on and we grow we will add more hours and more prizes to the program.